Just for a change I am going to throw you some style tips for your man! If there is a man actually reading this then “Welcome“,
and I’ll ask the girls not to bite 🙂
Quite honestly most of the men who need this post will likely not take the time to read it. So, ladies if you want to help him up his style game, then listen up.

Super stylish, very European.
Many South African men are feeling quite lost with fashion and style. Particularly the group who were cool in the 80’s and early 90’s. These are usually the SA guys who are really the,…hmmm what do we call them? Oh yes the ‘OKES’. Back when SA was still behind our apartheid curtain or just coming through it. They were influenced by the uniform trends of that period with almost no European influence so no creativity really. Also SA was still (let’s be honest) horribly homophobic and so these guys are imprinted with a fear of ‘homo’ style.

Too young?
Nowadays the gay guys are quite the trend setters, and they do it so well but the g
uys that are not gay, young or very preppy are lost. The brands that they want to follow are often pushed to the young crowd. So where do they fit in?
uys that are not gay, young or very preppy are lost. The brands that they want to follow are often pushed to the young crowd. So where do they fit in?

Definitely too young!
There is a space for them that is masculine, stylish and sexy as hell!
Try to encourage him to push his boundaries a little bit at a time. Blue is not the only colour for men. Jeans are not the only casual pants either!
Herewith some chino inspiration….

Denim shirt with chino’s.
Oh my how sexy is that body in this outfit?
A few ideas on sand colour chino’s.
Worn with light shade shoes. Rolled up. Yip, roll up is a huge trend. Good luck getting your SA man into it though 😉
Checked shirt under the navy knit makes it more interesting.

Army green chino’s. Easy to add in. Always remember that blue and green are good friends.
Ok, pushing the style here. Would not be likely to get my rugby loving hubby into this, but, he lookss so hot!
Blue chino’s worn with a checked shirt, rolled up sleeves (love that) and, still so manly, rolled chino’s with a rich tan pair of shoes.
Great check with a bit of red.
Blue chino’s, grey T and brown leather jacket.
Talking about grey…what a great shade. Mix it with light sand, white, warm tan or black. So versatile.
Very HOT!
Whats a good option for shoes when wearing the rust red or cranberry colour? Rich tan of course! You may need to educate him that brown is a broad name for a wealth of shades !

White Chino’s and blazer.

And just for another option altogether, white chino’s, white shirt, brown belt and grey blazer. So stylish!
One more thing, if he is carrying a bit of a gut please get him to stop tucking everything in. It only serves to highlight a tummy!
This post is my take on a certain section of South African men and not meant as a rule of thumb.
Lets hope it gets those men to up their style!