All you chic’s who rocked this look in the 90’s, I must ask, can you do it again?? Nooo! No way is what I am told time and again! Well you know what girls, I think it’s a great look! There is a reason it took so long to die off the last time around, probably because it is just so simple to achieve. Granted we became saturated with it back then. Every aunty and her daughter from the nearest dorp did wear it. However it’s been dead for so long that if you wear it with just the tiniest bit of attitude and a dash of accessories, you will be queen of cool!
I wonder..why do I like it, really? Maybe because so many people are shocked and slightly dismayed that the denim on denim trend is back, so it gives me satisfaction to wear it again! Rebellious spirit, I think. It was easy in my teens and twenties to rock a rebellious look. I just wore as little as possible! Ha! Now I am a grown up and after all my pregnancies I can’t pull off everything. Besides, I like to keep a respectable image.

Dress it up with jewellery or a funky bag. Always look chilled. Do up the top button of the blouse or don’t. Throw in some relaxed attitude. Converse takkies, brogues or pumps are the safer bet, but heels bring in a sexier side. Printed or colour will break the uniform effect.

As for the 90’s, maybe these pics will give your memory a swift boot. Judging by these images it’s no wonder people are terrified!
Who had the dungarees? I did! Ones with embroidered strawberries (mooi neh?) and I loved them! So much so that I’ll get them again this time around (minus the strawberries), and probably for my 12 y.o. daughter too. In this house I have to wear the trends to get her to try them! She doesn’t look set to be an exhibitionist, like I was as a teen, thankfully!
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