Karin and me
My special friend lodged a complaint with me recently. I considered demoting her to my ex-special friend but then I reminded myself that I’d be lost without her! So I had a look at the post history and it turns out , she has a point! So this is for you K darling 🙂
Tall, slim and (damn her) so toned, she is however a very different look to myself. An athletic Grande in bone structure and beautiful clear colouring means that we are not suited to the same styles.

Dress up Dress down
Short shorts look great. No need to hide those thighs 🙂 Pairing it with a beautiful blouse in bold floral is just the right amount of feminine for K. Using a grown up top and blazer bring shorts from the beach to everyday or even lunch wear. The one style flaw that I had to wean K from was those tiny tight string vest tops. She thought them a good idea because of her outstandingly flat tummy. ( Yes that with three kids and I bet she blushes reading this 😉

Short shorts and relaxed T with an open neck
However as much as it flattered her tummy it highlighted other factors in an unflattering manor. Also too much short and tight is for the teenagers. Let them do it while they can.

All white can make her clear colouring look washed out but not if she throws in a splash of strong colour, especially pillar box red.

Such impact!

If a scarf tends to be overwhelming then wear it loosely like this image.
Personally I find so much jewelry a little tacky. However the soft white blouse and ‘bling’ shorts are a fabulous dress up outfit for our South African summers.

Most days K is running between schools and extra murals. Here is a perfect look for mum on the run. Rolled up chino’s, pumps, stripes and a colour pop bag or,

Boyfriend jeans, All Stars in white, V neck T and a Blazer. Sometimes a round neck can make K look a little too ‘strong’ for the feminine woman that she is. Strong she certainly is, but lets keep it subtle 😉

Bold colour is so good on K!

Chic monochrome .
I particularly like how the collar is open and teamed with a black boat neck. Anything tight around her neck and she gets all fidgety.

And while we are looking at leather jackets…cropped, clean lines, lean, careful with padding, and no big shoulders are what to look for.

Short straight skirts work best for sporty legs. With very little fat on her tummy and thighs, her area to gain weight is always her upper hip. This means that even as lean as she is, elasticized waists are not a great choice.

Structured dresses that show definite form in the waist are perfect for those smarter events. On an average day I think K looks terrific in a simple, nifty shift dress. Quick and easy style for good legs.

And my final tip for Karin…
