I love having fun with the passing trends. It keeps my wardrobe interesting! However having dealt with many women and their different body shapes I can tell you that to take on every trend would not simply be unstylish but would be downright daft!
Today I will look at how to manage a long torso. I am discussing the most extreme situation here and you may find that you are able to use my pointers but relax them a little.
The key element is to break up the visual of the length of your waist. You can do this best by layering. If you are wearing normal mid waist trousers then for goodness sake don’t tuck your top in or wear a crop top! As soon as you do this it lengthens your waist and shortens your legs! Rather wear a shirt that covers your waist and a cropped jacket or another shorter top over it.

What you want is an ‘under’ top that stops just below your upper hip. The top layer should be about 10-20 cm shorter. All colour pops or interesting accents need to be happening from the created waist and upwards. No frills at the bottom of the blouse etc. No jeans with sparkles on your butt, and those low waist jeans with the heavy leather belt and detailed buckle were not designed for you!

Bold stripes shirts are a great option for you, provided you are not very busty. Busty girls can wear stripes but that is for another post!

This slightly higher waist but loose dress, shown below, is a great option with a cropped leather jacket. When it is too hot for a real jacket then a sleevless denim jacket works fabulously!

If you are fairly tall maxi-skirts are lovey. Avoid the hipster ones.

I frequently find that long waist women have lovely flat, pride worthy abdomens and I bet those girls are hating me now for dropping all the low waist options. So I must add that the current high waist and crop top is a trend that you girls could carry of better than most! There you go, you can flash your belly proudly, if you wish 😉

If you are wanting to tuck your top in then choose a high waist bottom half. This will raise your waist visually. This is the style that can you can carry of in print,…..sometimes.
Dresses will work beautifully if you stick to the same guidlines. Belt ’em high!

What would you say is the most obvious trick to lengthen your legs? Yes! Heels! However keep your shoes the same shade as your legs. If you are wearing black or dark jeans keep your heels black. If you are bare legged or wearing white then nude shoes are key.

Happy shopping! Rock your body! Let me know if you have any questions!